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We provide you with, depending on the importance of your event

  • One or more professionals, fully automatic coffee machines.
  • Coffee in beans (“Moccador” Le Louis – Beans).
  • Cups (ecological cardboard) .
  • Sugar packaged in small paper bags (sugar produced in Switzerland).
  • Stir sticks (bamboo wood)

Dairy products (coffee cream, milk, etc.) are not provided and are at your expense.

You pay 1.10 CHF incl. taxes* per coffee and 1.30 CHF incl. taxes* per cappuccino consumed .
The minimum charged is 60.00 CHF incl. taxes* .

Collection and return of the equipment by you (in our store).
On request, delivery and commissioning package on site by us: 80.00 CHF incl. taxes* (free from 800 coffees consumed).

For any additional information or to make a reservation, +41 22 345 07 30

* VAT = 7.7% for consumables and 2.5% for food products.